Artist Statement...

My photo
Exploring the world through the lens of a camera, leaving everything else to the imagination. Using charcoal and graphite to illustrate whatever comes to mind. My art is one of the things connecting me to my peace, liberating me to express an extension of myself. I find an escape in my art. I can’t bare the silence of a blank page so I use the sketch of my pencil, the careful yet care free shading that illuminates the page with iridescent colors of my choosing to give it a voice, my voice. The irony I found in my art is that the only limits there are, are the ones I place on myself. I refuse to limit my artistic expression.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Past, Present and Future (My first tattoo design)

Many times I have been asked to design someone's tattoo.
I was at a tap dance showcase rehearsal and one of my team mates
said ...
"Kash, I want you to design my first tattoo." 
I said..
(not thinking much of it. I honestly thought
I wasn't going to hear anything else
about this tattoo.)
Next thing you know, she's bringing me a
pencil and some paper.!

I came up with two very similar designs.
She went with the first one.

(Design #2)

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