Artist Statement...

My photo
Exploring the world through the lens of a camera, leaving everything else to the imagination. Using charcoal and graphite to illustrate whatever comes to mind. My art is one of the things connecting me to my peace, liberating me to express an extension of myself. I find an escape in my art. I can’t bare the silence of a blank page so I use the sketch of my pencil, the careful yet care free shading that illuminates the page with iridescent colors of my choosing to give it a voice, my voice. The irony I found in my art is that the only limits there are, are the ones I place on myself. I refuse to limit my artistic expression.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Clay is just not my medium..

I'm taking ceramics for the first time ever this semester
and this is the first thing we had to make. A pot composed of 
hand-rolled coils...

Her name is Ashley...

Onyx Dance Troupe

I am the secretary of my school's dance team ONYX DANCE TROUPE
and from time to time they call on my artistic ability for stage props.
This is a stereo I made over the Summer for a competition we did at 
Cheyney University.

left on the door step..

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So I've been working on graduating on time, and thus far, things are looking up.

To graduate from Lincoln University as an art major not only do you have to enroll in and pass a variety of specific classes but you have to put together a body of work and present it.

My presentation idea?!
" restore continuity between the refined and intensified forms of experience that are works of art and the everyday events, doings, and sufferings that are universally recognized to constitute experience."
-John Dewey

So, Im taking the life experiences of one person (myself), and creating pieces that pertain to the milestones and events that happen throughout ones life.  My goal is to have the experience a variety of emotions depending on the time in life, the piece, design style, etc.

My pieces?!

  • Birth Announcement
    • peaceful, joy, happiness
  • First Recital Invitation/Ticket
    • nervous, anxious
  • High School Graduation Poster
    • achievement and nostalgia
  • Get Well Soon Greeting Card
    • Sad
  • Senior presentation
    • accomplished
  • Rent Party
    • in need, desperate
  • Marriage Anniversary Album Cover 
    • celebration
  • Over-the-Hill
    • pensive
  • Memorial
    • grief

Friday, September 23, 2011

Graffiti Wall Project ORIGINALS




Past, Present and Future (My first tattoo design)

Many times I have been asked to design someone's tattoo.
I was at a tap dance showcase rehearsal and one of my team mates
said ...
"Kash, I want you to design my first tattoo." 
I said..
(not thinking much of it. I honestly thought
I wasn't going to hear anything else
about this tattoo.)
Next thing you know, she's bringing me a
pencil and some paper.!

I came up with two very similar designs.
She went with the first one.

(Design #2)

Byrds of a Feather...

My husband and I decided to get matching tattoos
so, I came up with a design that represented 
our unity, friendship and love.
Inspired by: Our last name...

Friday, August 26, 2011

What? Where? Why? How?

 I'm in my 4th year of higher learning @ Lincoln University, on a road to obtaining my bachelors' degree in visual arts. My main motivator is to graduate this school year. However, Based on factors such as putting together a portfolio (writing, as well as art), a senior presentation, obtaining a sufficiant amount of credits and the fact I transferred from my primary school of choice, Cabrini College, such things might have to wait til later.  I refuse to lose hope though, as long as I put my best foot forward I'm sure my efforts won't disappoint my outcome.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Oriental Influence

Koi Fish, Waves, Bubbles, Cherry Blossoms


My apologies for the "sucky" photo but I don't have a scanner..

Made of Bone

"Skeleton you are my friend but you are made of bone.
And you have no flesh and blood running through you to
help protect the bone. Skeleton we have been friends for
years and you have seen me through some trials and
tribulations and some tears but everybody things I'm weird.."
-Kate Nash

Funny Bone

Compressed Charcoal and Eraser
First I covered the paper in charcoal, then I used an eraser to sketch out the subject which happend to be a bone.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Graffiti Wall Project (incomplete)

*this is a coverup piece...

...because ya'll my friends

Glass Bottle Catalogue





Mission Statement:
The Glass Bottle looks to personalize the beauty experience of its customers and to encourage individual style.  The Glass Bottle is located on 251 N. Ashby Rd., Raja, Pa 19050.  The Glass Bottle works to providing its clients with the best quality of products that will enhance their natural beauty.  The Glass Bottle also works towards empowering the beautiful creatures inhabited in all of its customers.