Artist Statement...

My photo
Exploring the world through the lens of a camera, leaving everything else to the imagination. Using charcoal and graphite to illustrate whatever comes to mind. My art is one of the things connecting me to my peace, liberating me to express an extension of myself. I find an escape in my art. I can’t bare the silence of a blank page so I use the sketch of my pencil, the careful yet care free shading that illuminates the page with iridescent colors of my choosing to give it a voice, my voice. The irony I found in my art is that the only limits there are, are the ones I place on myself. I refuse to limit my artistic expression.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Semester @ Lincoln University

I found myself approaching new mediums this semester that I found to be quite intimidating.  Those mediums being Web Design and Painting.  With this being my senior year, I didn't want anything to get in the way of me graduating and I was worried that my abilities in the web design and painting wouldn't be sufficient enough.  With web design, I was okay with designing the page but when it came to coding, I struggled.  With painting, it just wasn't a medium I was interested in. However, in the end, I found painting to be quite fun and once I was able to get my links to work on my webpage, I felt relieved.  Overall, the semester was a challenge but I've learned plenty.

My First Painting Ever.!

Achromatic Color Scheme Still Life

Floral Mother

Complementary Red and Green Composition


Monochromatic Blue

Byrd's Photos

(Front Cover)

Last minute brochure design for my senior presentation.  

Graduation Posters

Typical Approach

 Artistic Approach


The Futuristic Tree

Ceramics II, Spring 2012

This piece is comprised of 6 extruded clay pieces with a base.